Buddy Rich | Your Order

Buddy Rich

Drummer buddy rich is a legend that will never disappear. For Drummer must have been informed and who he is.
not infrequently at http://www.youtube.com the drummer gives a tutorial how to play or technique that is owned by the legendary drummer for this.
Who is he anyway?
Here's the story of Buddy Rich
Like so many I first heard Buddy Rich when growing up as young drummer in the 70's. I bought every album of his I could find, taped recorded his guest appearances on the Johnny Carson show and was inspired to practice and practice every day trying to play like him. Throughout high school in Madison WI., I saw him perform several times but never got to meet him. By my junior year I saved enough money to purchase my own 1975 Buddy Rich Slingerland Drum Set and even painted my drums cases with the exact same lettering Buddy had on the cover of his "Buddy and Soul" album.
Buddy Rich: Up Close

In 1978, with my college jazz ensemble, I had the opportunity to play a short warm up set on my Slingerlands prior to the start of Buddy's performance in Madison. I was faced with the dilemma of being on same stage as Buddy with an exact identical drum set to his including his characteristic base drum logo (but with my initials). Not wanting to be pretentious, I desperately swapped out my matching drum throne, the right side crash cymbal, the second floor tom (with white towel that Buddy ended up borrowing) and the center splash cymbal, trying to make my drums look as different from his as possible. During my band's 20 minute set Buddy stood off stage about 15 feet to the side of me and watched the whole time we performed. We visually acknowledged each other just prior to the first down beat and I acknowledged him again at the end of the set. His went on to play an amazing performance and after the show I once again missed an opportunity to actually meet him. However, the next day at jazz ensemble class my band director sat me down and said he had some thing to tell me. After the concert he and Buddy were hanging out and Buddy said he was "impressed" with the college jazz band and my playing. Then my band director told Buddy that I was "his number one fan" and Buddy replied. "Yeah he has a drum set just like mine". My band director gave me back the towel Buddy had borrowed and a large Buddy Rich Band Concert promotion poster and said "Buddy left this for you". It was signed "To Tom Best Wishes Buddy Rich".
Jazz Icons: Buddy Rich Live in '78
Thirty years later I still have the poster, laminated for protection, hanging on the wall above my drums in my practice studio. Buddy Rich inspires me everyday. He is not only the world's greatest drummer, but Buddy had a heart of gold. I will never ever forget what he did for me. Thanks Buddy - Tom Jedynak.

From : buddyrich.com
Time Out
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